The K'ai Men Gallery
An open door for an open mind
Rob Stephens
In 1996 after a lifelong interest in sculpture, Rob Stephens decided to enrol on a course at the local college. Not long after starting there, the sculpture tutor was taken sick, Rob was asked if heÕd spend that class in the ceramics studio. Having been experimenting with concrete as a sculptural material, clay, with its immediacy and ease of working, came as something of a revelation. Rob never returned to the sculpture class.
The original inspiration for his work was the Vitruvian scroll, a Roman architectural device. This has formed the basis of a variety of architectural, animal and human-like forms. His work is generally built in heavily grogged stoneware clay which results in a gritty sandstone-like texture. This is then finished either with a matt glaze or, on occasions, through treatment with metal powders and exposure to the elements.
The resulting pieces are suitable for the garden as well as indoors.
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