The K'ai Men Gallery |
An open door for an open mind |
Patricia Fairchild. |
Living and working as I do on the south coast my seascapes are often of my local beach. I love the vibrant depth of colour the sea takes on with the changing light - the sunsets here can be stunning, and then in springtime the Sussex countryside takes on a magic of its own especially at bluebell time. I find working with watercolour gives me the lightness and transparency I strive to achieve. In essence, I paint whatever inspires me with its natural beauty. But because the perception of beauty is so personal I am happy to take commissions from good photographic reference for almost any subject that is close to your heart. |
I also frame my own work using double thickness white mounts to give
extra depth to my pictures while the natural tulip wood frames are lime
waxed to give a simple elegance.
C O P Y R I G H T © K'aimen Gallery 2003. Images and text on this website are protected by individual copyright laws and must not be reproduced, republished or transmitted either in print or electronically. For further information email me here. |