The K'ai Men Gallery
An open door for an open mind
Angela Daniels
Angela was born and grew up in Chichester where she studied Music with Fine Art as a joint BA Honours Degree.
She graduated in 2000 and has now decided to exhibit her work. Currently living in Bognor Regis, she is self employed working as a private music teacher and teaching one day a week in a local primary school.
She enjoys painting in mixed media in a style she developed at college.
She paints using glass paints and acrylic and uses water and metholated spirits (and occasionally salt) in order for the colours to interact and create perculiar and engaging juxtapositions.
Originally based on the organic forms of lichen on bark and concrete, she became intrigued by the 'chance' results of experimenting with the mixed media and its endless possibilities.
As someone more preoccupied with colour she likes to make the paintings as vibrant as possible whilst employing various forms and texture to draw the eye around the picture.

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